Saturday, December 1, 2012

Back from long break....

It's been a while since my last post....lots has happened but wasn't able to update.

My little one has been keeping me occupied, leaving me no room for anything else. She's a handful indeed but we love her to bits.

LO decided to pop up early, almost a month ahead of her due date. Everything was unplanned and I didn't even managed to take a pregnancy photo. Nevertheless, we were delighted with her arrival. Breastfed her starting from the third was not easy but I managed. Will not elaborate further as those who breastfed will understand what I email me should you like to know more about how I managed and my entire breastfeeding process.

My girl is now 11 months. Went for a short and relaxing trip to Cameron Highlands a month back and am glad that all 3 of us enjoyed it. I was surprised that an infant actually knows how to enjoy a holiday...

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