Thursday, January 15, 2009

Yummy Cupcakes

I have no baking utensils. BUT, i made do with whatever I have...NO, I did not bake the cupcakes...I have no time for that. Bought the cupcakes at only RM2 for 10 pcs (good deal eh...they also taste GREAT!) I made the icing tho....

Buttercream icing
150gms of margarine (did not use butter because my sis is allergic to milk)
150gms of sugar (used the coarse type...the only type I have at home)
*did not exactly measure these but estimated*
2 pcs of lime
A tiny drop of red colouring
Love letters (from our bunch of snacks)

Creamed the margarine until fluffy white using only a spoon and a metal bowl. Then added in sugar and stir till sugar is not so coarse hand aches from the continuous half hour stirring....*sweats* But, the cream still tasted crunchy....Then stirred in the lime juice for some flavouring...was supposed to be for our maggi goreng...*hish*

And finally piped out using plastic and magazine paper....tore out from hon's hasn't read it yet...hehe...besides, it's outdated...

Piping failed miserably...ended up using spoon to smooth over the cupcakes instead : )

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