Monday, December 22, 2008

A Year Older A Year Wiser or Reunion?

Glutinous rice balls or better known with the Chinese as 'Tang Yuan'...if you're wondering what's that strip of thing in the middle, it's ginger : )

I asked mum a long time ago about us having to consume this desert towards every year end (not that it's difficult to savor, in fact, I LOVE it!) Well, she just said that it's for us to grow a year older and wiser. There's also a story that people in the olden days used to work hard for the whole year and do not have time to return for a family reunion. Thus, this festival (the name of the desert actually imply REUNION in Chinese) was created a month before the Chinese New Year to gather relatives to prepare for the celebrations...

Enough said about this desert, the very first item prepared from our new induction cooker. Also, there's the fried rice which took 'Hon' 1 1/2 hours to prepare. Tasted good, no doubt, but I was so hungry that I've already gulped down a bowl of our desert before it was ready.

Of course we had something else to compliment the already ever tasty fried rice...

Never knew that 1kg of this spicy cabbage could cost up to RM36 a bag....

Frozen Kimchi...Good things comes with a price I guess...

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